Man is been tossed about like a dice through the help of their conscience. Every beat of the heart, passage of blood creates a deposit of life into conscience. Conscience was made in form of human such that it was created to help humans to differentiate right or wrong deeds or acts. It's likened to a road indicator that turns blue whenever you are of good behaviour and turns red when you are discovered of bad acts, attitude or character, giving you the go-ahead signal with a green light. Conscience can also be adored when it comes to the midst of two soulmates. You see yourself (your heart) beating fast when you are saying or doing the right thing at the right time to the right person or deeds. Conscience and Man are made for each other as long as the heart keeps pumping blood, the conscience will continue to exist. It is also likened to a star above the earth that no man can disturb or hide from. It will definitely come knocking when it perceives any wrong attitude, charact...