
Showing posts from October, 2017

Education, A Necessity!!!

Education, a Necessity A mentor of mine once said, "if your grandparents who were not educated should own a home, I see no reason you should not also own one as an educated fellow". The point he made here is not limited to eduction being a house provider but an avenue that provides a platform for opportunities and broad spheres of influence. Most parents have imbibed giving their children the best of education according to their financial capacity as a priority. From their experiences, they have been able to highlight the importance of education and it's relevance in determining how well a child will fair in life. However, inspite of the


Over the years, in the world today, many changes have occurred; ranging from technology, science, art, business among others. This trend has subtly but swiftly shifted the heart of men away from their creator. Many people have neglected the haunt for that which is everlasting for that which is but for a while because of the wild chase after and desire for the things of the world. Man would rather focus on the things that
It's here again... Good morning
Good morning...
VON we will be bringing you school hacks for students.... #dont miss it
THE BROKEN VEIN THAT BROKE THE VEIL By Miss Eunice O. ‘Who is worthy to open the book?’ Every hands jammed in a hook‘Who will go?’ Every lips went on hold, John wept so much  Then ‘the Root of David’ stood thereof  Voluntarily, the burden, He went forth, To bear and seven seals He loose thereon In a twinkling He could call Legions But never did, silence He was Spat on Him, slaps on He prayed instead for their wrought The strikes and thunders Both stirred their ‘wonder’ The darkness clouded, length and breath of the earth The first, last of its kind The one thick inch, Veil did tear. A free entrance it gave You and I today Blood for atonement, Dripping from His sides Water of healing, Tugged from his
THE WOMAN Who is a real woman? She is the one who knows and serve God faithfully. She is proud of herself, loves her body and will not allow anyone turn it to a toy. She respects herself and others, she is aware of who she is, dresses well to cover all that needs to be covered and she speaks edifying words. She neither seeks definition from the person she is with, nor does she expect him to read her mind, she talks, gives godly and useful advises. She is quite capable of articulating her needs. She knows her body is not to be exchanged for any need because her God owns all and will supply all her needs. A real woman has