Godly Family: Every problem in a nation is a breakdown of problem in families. A lot of individuals in the society relies on the church, schools etc to be the custodians of family values ad morals. Every problem in the society or nation is traceable to individual society. A good family begats a good society and therefore a good nation is built. (Genesis 1vs27). Today has witness many failed families and thus make the society go bad as most do not understand what it takes to bear responsibilties which inturn have an adverse effect on the children. (Lk11vs 17). The devil brings about misunderstanding/friction between the man and the woman, the devils knows that once a family is united, the church of God is also united hence brings about desolation to the family. (The responsibilities of the man in the family) Proverb 9 vs 9, Ephesians 5 vs 23. Every Man must play his role as the head in the family and as such man must