
Showing posts from 2017

Dress anyhow, See Anyhow

Dress anyhow, seen anyhow Everyone represents a tribe/family, our dress sense interprets and defines where we come from. Every set and sect has a unique dress sense that separates them from others. What happens when the identity notifier- dressing goes wrong? The fashion world has advanced and

Discovering your Potentials

Discovering your potential The sense of judgment of every being is based on the depth of their understanding and knowledge. In every human exists great potentials that are necessary for discovery. When people find it hard to discover it, they limit themselves to whatever their hand rests upon. God has deposited treasures of potentials in everyone, not utilizing it will be a waste of investment. To utilize your potentials fully, carefully read through this and follow sternly. Look Inward- settle in, grab a pen and have a meeting with yourself. Ask yourselve questions about your interests, passion and activities of comfort. Once you are able to point this out, star working on it before an audience and you will be appreciated. An example is a friend of mine who

Education, A Necessity!!!

Education, a Necessity A mentor of mine once said, "if your grandparents who were not educated should own a home, I see no reason you should not also own one as an educated fellow". The point he made here is not limited to eduction being a house provider but an avenue that provides a platform for opportunities and broad spheres of influence. Most parents have imbibed giving their children the best of education according to their financial capacity as a priority. From their experiences, they have been able to highlight the importance of education and it's relevance in determining how well a child will fair in life. However, inspite of the


Over the years, in the world today, many changes have occurred; ranging from technology, science, art, business among others. This trend has subtly but swiftly shifted the heart of men away from their creator. Many people have neglected the haunt for that which is everlasting for that which is but for a while because of the wild chase after and desire for the things of the world. Man would rather focus on the things that
It's here again... Good morning
Good morning...
VON we will be bringing you school hacks for students.... #dont miss it
THE BROKEN VEIN THAT BROKE THE VEIL By Miss Eunice O. ‘Who is worthy to open the book?’ Every hands jammed in a hook‘Who will go?’ Every lips went on hold, John wept so much  Then ‘the Root of David’ stood thereof  Voluntarily, the burden, He went forth, To bear and seven seals He loose thereon In a twinkling He could call Legions But never did, silence He was Spat on Him, slaps on He prayed instead for their wrought The strikes and thunders Both stirred their ‘wonder’ The darkness clouded, length and breath of the earth The first, last of its kind The one thick inch, Veil did tear. A free entrance it gave You and I today Blood for atonement, Dripping from His sides Water of healing, Tugged from his
THE WOMAN Who is a real woman? She is the one who knows and serve God faithfully. She is proud of herself, loves her body and will not allow anyone turn it to a toy. She respects herself and others, she is aware of who she is, dresses well to cover all that needs to be covered and she speaks edifying words. She neither seeks definition from the person she is with, nor does she expect him to read her mind, she talks, gives godly and useful advises. She is quite capable of articulating her needs. She knows her body is not to be exchanged for any need because her God owns all and will supply all her needs. A real woman has


How to Break a Bad Habit and Replace It With a Good One Bad habits interrupt your life and prevent you from accomplishing your goals. They jeopardize your health — both mentally and physically. And they waste your time and energy. So why do we still do them? And most importantly, is there anything you can do about it? Now let's focus on the practice of making changes in the real world. How can you delete your bad behaviors and stick to good ones instead? I certainly don't have


Lessons of life Most times, when I look around witnessing event as they unfold, I just could not help but write on this particular one...I was on my way from a drug store with a cool atmosphere, vehicles and motorcyclist moving in various direction to their proposed destination when all of a sudden there were shouts of argument that had ensued between two women, one a trader and the other customer, going by reports from both onlookers as myself, the trader had sold a pair of sandals for the customers who is yet to balance the trader. Anytime the trader asks for her balance, she (customer) is always postponing her (trader) and then the customer came around to buy another pair of sandals without cash promising to pay up both debt later during the week, with that the trader got furious and demanded her money, and that was how it started, before other trader could blink, they had started hitting each other almost getting to the point of tearing


Before the fall, was Adam naked? .... Yes But did God relate with him based on his nakedness? No Now, after the fall, was Adam still naked? Yes Was God shocked that He was naked? No If you read Gen 3, you will notice that God's shock was "how Adam knew he was naked" hence the question, "Who told you?" Gen 3:11. Not that he was "naked"! We can safely conclude that the tree awakened his conscience. Which became man's absolute undoing which the Law kept on reviving ...because that the worshippers once purged should have had no more conscience of sins Heb 10:2 The tree changed


Relationships and Destiny . We all have a destiny, an assignment to be fulfilled, a particular glory assigned for your uplifting but some things can affect it, part of which is relationship. . The person you choose to spend the rest of your life with can make or mar your destiny, believe me. We shall consider some types of relationships that can affect your destiny. . 1. Relationship with an unbeliever . The Bible warns against being unequally yoked in 2 Cor. 6:14. That verse simply means, “Don't become partners with those who reject God." Once you confess Christ and accept Him, you move from darkness into light, you become a city that is set on the hill. Hence,  entering into a permanent seal with someone still in darkness will only do more harm than good. . 2. Relationship without God . Yes, you're both believers but did you involve God from the beginning? A good believer in your eye may not be the good choice God has for you and may alter your d...


Godly Family: Every problem in a nation is a breakdown of problem in families. A lot of individuals in the society relies on the church, schools etc to be the custodians of family values ad morals. Every problem in the society or nation is traceable to individual society. A good family begats a good society and therefore a good nation is built. (Genesis 1vs27). Today has witness many failed families and thus make the society go bad as most do not understand what it takes to bear responsibilties which inturn have an adverse effect on the children. (Lk11vs 17). The devil brings about misunderstanding/friction between the man and the woman, the devils knows that once a family is united, the church of God is also united hence brings about desolation to the family. (The responsibilities of the man in the family) Proverb 9 vs 9, Ephesians 5 vs 23. Every Man must play his role as the head in the family and as such man must


It has been on my mind to write on this, but never found the time to do so but with great strenght, I am writing this. Am quite sure many people will be afraid to take risk cos of what they experience in 2016, especially with the shocking news of the hyped financial scheme suspending a lot of individual's account, as they thought it could never happen or so they thought. But never the less, we must not allow that very mindset of "am not engaging in any financial scheme again", yes, no one will arrest you for not joining and its not a must, but let me ask you this question, what will be your response for not being to get up from the pit, if you decide not to try something else?. Am pretty sure that we have some individuals that the scheme never helped and likewise it has helped some to gain financial ground in this harsh economy, many can boast of houses, cars etc via this scheme, and now its suspended, people are afraid to take another leap for fear of loss of money, b...


GOD'S CONCEPT OF MINISTRY  Suppose a man has three servants waiting on him, and he says to one of them: "Patrick, please go to the University of Jos, there is brother in the department of Economics who promised to give us a cheque for the work, collect that cheque. It is for a hundred thousand naira. On your way, go to bank, cash it and bring the cash." He says, yes Sir." Then he calls a second servant, "Sam, I am expecting some visitors,  I do not think the toilet is clean. Please get up, clean up and place all necessary toiletries." And finally he calls the third servant and says to him: "John, you just stay here. Sit there. Do not go anywhere. Do not let this place be empty in case I need you." If the first servant goes and collects the hundred thousand naira, does it make him a better servant to the Master than the third servant because he brought in money? No! He was only sent. Moreover, the fact that he was sent to cash mo...